Lauren Slocum and this group of brave individuals were the first people to perform Poetry and the Spoken Word at
Old California Coffee House & Eatery on March 13th, 2011. Lauren, a Literature Major and a member of San Marcos Arts Council's Sunday Matinee Committee, was recently accepted to the great school of San Francisco State. While we are very dad to be losing Lauren at the end of May, I am most proud of this lady for founding & starting the Poetry Reading program through The San Marcos Arts Council. I look forward to following your career as a young lady. I know you will go on to do great things in your life!

When we say poetry and the Spoken Word, it leaves a little openness to interpretation as one performer got up in front of a crowd for the very first time and spoke his rap song. Now you might think rap? What does rap have to do with poetry? I agreed with this question until I heard this young man speak.... I mean rap.... Call it rap, call it poetry, call it whatever.... but this man created and wrote his rap with rhyme and had the guts to stand up in front of everyone a read his rap to the world. It was an expression of him, his life and you could tell how he poured his feelings and emotions into his work. Now, whether he becomes Charles Dickenson or Snoop Dog, is still yet to be seen, but it is nice to see young people passionate about something, study, learn and practice their art or craft and see it come to life in the real world is an amazing feeling. Oh yea, Did I mention, he was the only person that memorized his performance! Great Job! I am so excited to be part of this Sunday MatineeI want to thank the SMCF San Marcos Community Foundation for sponsoring this event! We couldn't do it without you!