I am very excited to write this article today because I was so impressed last Sunday with Ryan and Therese Dart, I think they stole the show! Ryan Dart, a local jazz musician dropped off a cd one day to Old California Coffee House and asked if he could play here. I listened to his cd and thought he would be a perfect fit for the brand new Sunday 3-5pm Art & Music Matinee sponsored by the San Marcos Arts Council. He did not disappoint us at all... In fact, he and his wife Therese captived the audience for two hours! Another thing that I really liked about Ryan is that he called two weeks before just to confirm that we were still on. It shows a strong level of professionlalism that I appreciated very much! you bet this jazz musician will be playing again here at Old Cal Coffee very soon! I had a chance to take some video's and some pictures. I think the only way to really describe how cool this day was is to show you some pics and some some videos... So, you here go: Ryan & Therese Dart playing Jazz Music with the guitar and melodica at Old Cal Coffee last Sunday May 22nd. After the Show, I had a chance to Interview him, so you would have a chance to get to know hi as well as know his music. here ya go everyone: Mr Ryan Dart: