Friday, January 25, 2013

SM Arts Council to Host Free Community Art Workshops

Tonya Lenz, Owner of Twin Oaks Gallery Art & Frame,  as well as Board Member for the San Marcos Arts Council,  hosts monthly arts council meetomg on January 22.  Board members came back together after a holiday break, to discuss upcoming plans for free artworks for our local community.  Stay tuned for more details.  Meetings generally take place on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4:30.  Community members are welcome to attend. Call 760.750.8889 to confirm date and time for the next meeting if you're interested in coming!

Stop the Violence - Community Mural Project for Sandy Hook

December 27, 2012

Multiple Community members came together on December 27, 2013 to paint 14 murals that were sent to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown CT following the horrific school shooting.  This community project was coordinated by Artmiles and the San Marcos Arts Council and hosted by the Twin Oaks Gallery Art and Frame shop.  Participants included but were not limited to, San Marcos High School, Discovery Elementary School, CSUSM Student Arts Association, Charity Wings, Bonsall Elementary School and several local artists and community members.